Sunday, August 11, 2013


This blog was created for my musings, I haven't posted in a while because of various things in life happening. I do a lot of complaining on here though. But here goes something... I'm not sure what I even want to say. 

Love. I don't think I believe in it, in one way. 
In another I know exactly what love is. My two foot tall, chunky little guy shows me every day. He sits beside me or on my lap and just looks at me. His lips are curled into a smile - and nothing in the world can break that gaze for a few minutes. He has me so wrapped around his finger it isn't funny either. He cries and I jump to fix whatever is suddenly wrong, like giving him back his paci, or helping him till over (both he can do himself). That's unconditional love. And there is absolutely no doubt about it!