Wednesday, November 16, 2011


If you ever want to feel like you are out of touch, add some uncertainty to your life. When you don't know what is going to happen next, it can be exciting and it can be fun, it can also possibly be the worst feeling in the world. There are things in which we cannot control in our lives, and when we cannot control things we at least want to be certain to when this will portion of our lives will be over. What happens when you don't know?

Do you take the positive attitude and hope for the best? If you look at the positive attitude and don't prepare for the worst, what are you going to do when it doesn't work out that way? Is it going to be disappointing? You bet. Is it going to be the thing that breaks you? Who knows.

Do you take the negative attitude and prepare for the worst? What if you take the negative outlook? Is it easier? Or is it just harder and harder to get through each day? What do you have to look forward to then? Does it make the surprise of getting something better more rewarding? You bet. But will having the negative outlook break you as a person? Who knows. Will it discourage people from helping you? More than likely. How do you hold on? How do you go on?

Attitudes make everything better or worse, but a positive attitude can lead to a lot of disappointment, and a negative attitude makes you hard to get along with. My attitude changes by the second which I am not sure is much better.

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