What would you be willing to put yourself through to see if you can find love?
It is not guaranteed, it never is.
How long would you wait for someone?
A week? Could you go a whole week without talking without doubting them? A month? Could you go a month without hating them for whatever the situation is? Could you go a week without seeing one another? A month?
Apparently I give a lot more than most people are willing to in relationships. I have waited two or three months for someone, and tried really hard to keep their spirits up and help them through something that was not easy to get hurt in the long run. I have also waited two months for someones past to become the past, and still struggled through it even though it was not my mistake.
It has became apparent to me that most people would not do the same in the same situation, even if I have previously written that I would hope most would do the same when faced with the same situation. I have become aware of situations where people I have the utmost respect for, did not do the same thing in a similar situation. Would you wait for someone who is facing medical problems? For how long? Would you be there for them through 'thick and thin' or would you be a bit of a coward and run? Would you wait for someone in the military? Who is trying to better their own life and create a future for themselves? College? Jail or prison? For how long would you wait?
I wish people would take a minute instead of complaining about how they cannot find happiness in their lives to realize you get what you put into a relationship. If you give your all, you may get it back, if you give nothing, even if you get all in return, you still won't be happy. Take chances, give it your 110% and never ever give up, when things get hard, smile your way through and remember if you make it, it will be worth it. If you don't you pick up the pieces and move on; you can't complain how you cant find love if you aren't giving it, or taking chances.
I think your right, people always complain about love and they never are willing to endure such measures in life to get love. Your right..you give far more then what people endure and I think that's what makes you a truely amazing person. :)