Saturday, February 18, 2012



  • No, you are not in that picture, I don't care that it says family and you think you should be tagged, for starts I do not see you, for seconds you are only blood related, you don't matter. 
  • I do not want to look down your shirt.
  • Is there a reason your boobs are the focal point of every picture you post? 
  • Zip and pull up your pants. Really. 
  • We all love our boyfriends or girlfriends or we wouldn't be dating them. If you post it in every post it is over kill, just say it sometimes.
  • You do not have the "best boyfriend in the world" no, he may be the best for you, he would be terrible for someone else. 
  • There should be a rule that you cannot change your status more than once a week, if you are together less than a week why did you bother to start?
  • If you change your status on facebook it is probably going to tick off your significant other. 
  • If you don't want the world to know, do not post it.
  • You do not work for playboy.
  • You are not a stripper.
  • You are not a prostitute. 
    • If you were you wouldn't be posting it on facebook. 
  • You should not have to be told if you currently work at Walmart not to post images saying "lets burn down Walmart."
I am sure I will think of more. I might update this later.

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