Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rules of relationships

Rule 1: the arguments of two adults are private; and not to be posted on Facebook.
Rule 2: if that is the only place they will talk-don't bother.
Rule 3: yes you have to talk
Rule 4: make up sex is fine, but you still need to talk about it
Rule 5: shut up and listen.
Rule 6: sometimes you have to let it go
Rule 7: stand up for yourself
Rule 8: don't be afraid to say no; if you are leave
Rule 9: if you say you are going to call; do it
Rule 10: girls over think everything
Rule 11: if they are mad let them talk
Rule 12: realize when it's time to try again tomorrow sometimes your just going to keep getting more and more irritated
Rule 13: we all have devices with calendars and alarms - remember their birthday and your anniversary
Rule 14: talk with the person before you change your relationship status on Facebook, then let it go, you don't need to change it three seconds after starting a relationship, or ending one, or any other complicated things
Rule 15: also Facebook: if you need to tell them you love them every status you post your ticking off your friends
Rule 16: talk outside of Facebook.. Please?
Rule 17: unplug! No cell phone on your finger tips, no laptop no iPod, spend time without being plugged into the world or social media. If you can't enjoy that you shouldn't be together.
Rule 18: give each other space don't text them all day long; don't go every where with them, and don't demand to know what they are doing
Rule 19: have your own friends as well as the mutual ones
Rule 20: you go out with your friends, they go out with theirs. You don't go out with theirs without them and vice versa.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

If I post it, I probably wrote it.

It makes my day to see other people smile.

One step forward, and four back; isn't that the story of us?

It has nothing to do with liking you or not, it has to do with, are you someone I can depend on in my life...? If not, there's no point.

I will not pretend to be someone I am not, I might bite my tongue when I disagree but I will always stand up for what I believe in.

I don't have to like the things you do, to support you. I don't have to agree with everything you say to listen. I don't have to believe in your dreams to help you accomplish them. I just have to love you and help you realize how amazing you truly are.

I am going to start wishing on airplanes in the night sky.

As another chapter closes for us; I am having a hard time distinguishing reality from happily ever after ♥!

People have a very animal-istic quality to them, they can be cute and cuddly, but when you piss them off they can tear you to pieces.

Energy drinks good for studying; bad for sleep!

Make sure that everything you do in life has a point, and make sure it is worth it.

A guy should treat you like a princess; even when you are being the evil queen.

Guy VS Girl

Okay, so I may be a girl, but I feel like I hear many more opinions from my male friends than most girls do, so I will share with you the guy vs girls ideas on relationships. I expressed some of these earlier and the guy who was sitting with the bunch of girls I was sitting with was in total agreeance and I do not know him all that well.

Girls are usually looking for relationships. As soon as one ends they are looking for whose next, or still grieving over the one they had last. Girls seem to "hunt" for the perfect guy. 
Guys aren't.
Girls are always going on and on about how this guy they like, and likes them won't go out with them because he "isn't looking for a relationship right now." Dear girls, no guy is ever looking for a relationship. Really. Guys fall into relationships by sheer chance and because they like you enough they don't want to lose you, or they fall into them because most girls won't have sex outside of a relationship. Guys don't hunt for the perfect date, if they are eagerly searching, it is more than likely just for sex.
Good relationships probably are those founded from sheer luck and enough like to not want to look any further. We fall in love not because we have been hunting for each other, but because we become attached to a person who over time we are afraid to live without, and never want to lose. A relationship is founded on the friendship first more so than the fact you were both single and were looking for a relationship.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Small Town Perspective on Life.

How do you see the world? How do you see everything in it? Have you fallen in love with your high school crush after failing with every 'better' guy you have tried to find along the way? Do you still call home as much as possible because your family is the most important thing in the world to you? Are your neighbors people you know and trust? Are you thankful for the experiences you have?

I am thankful to know the people who live near me, I am thankful for getting to know them. I am thankful that I grew up working for what I wanted in life, I am glad handouts were discouraged, if you want it you have to make an effort. I am thankful to have grown up knowing 1,000 odd things as a result of family businesses, family friends, and experiences I have acquired that are unique only to me and my family. I don't have the experiences of walking to a friends house, or playing basketball in the streets in the summer, but if you do, you don't share my experiences who have made me who I am today.
I go to a private college which costs a fortune. Everyone assumes in order to be here your family must be well off to begin with, no my family fights tooth and nail to be able to get through today, but I would not be the person I am today without that experience which has made me 10 times more accepting of other situations. I strongly believe most people complaining how they can't find work or get ahead are afraid to get their hands dirty. I don't like being dirty, but I have no problem getting dirty. I will shower later.
I have grown up on and around farms my entire life, I quickly was taught not to run in a barn, and to watch where I stand behind a cow. I quickly learned to get anything done, you are going to get dirty. I learned to get a calf to drink you have to shove it's head in a bucket, and I learned the birds and the bees through the animals too. I also learned where milk, meat, cheese and ice cream came from. I learned that hay doesn't come out of the sky, and it takes a ton of work to get it done, and a close knit community when something happens. Your friends come out of the woodwork to help in a tough time, and I have thrown hay in more peoples barns than I can count.
My Dad has been a farrier since he was in the Army before I was born. He doesn't do much of it now, but as a result I learned that not everyone who has animals are smart enough to take care of them. I learned how to hold a horse who is trying to kill me to get away, I learned to not be afraid of anything. I learned that when you get knocked down you get back up. I learned that it is once again impossible to stay clean and you will get dirt and poop on you. It's a fact. I learned that donkeys are stupid, as are cows, and donkeys have a very unique smell to them, it's gross.
We have raised chickens, ducks, turkeys, and once I even caught a peacock who was lost and hanging out in my pasture. I learned weasels will eat anything in the world, and that we lost a ton of chicks to them over the years. I learned a snake will steal the eggs out of the coop, and I learned that sometimes chickens will overwhelm you with eggs and how to cook them in 1,000 ways to get rid of them. A homemade angel food cake takes 12 eggs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Creating a criminal

                The plan was nearly complete, the five foot three petite woman standing before them would soon become a person that would be unsuspected by all. She grabbed her gun and went into the bedroom. When she returned she was dressed in a black negligee and black knee-high boots, she was going to cause a disturbance to the people she was going to see anyhow, why did it matter how much attention she pulled?
                She went out the door with her accomplices at her side.  All three piled into the black SUV with tinted windows and they began their journey to the residence of the individual they planned on murdering. When they arrived, only she exited the car, and went and knocked on the door. The man who answered the door was exactly the one who they had come for. Dressed in the manner in which she was, he never suspected anything was wrong as he let her inside.
                He had been known to lure in young women, when he did so, he made them feel like princesses, until later when he would abuse them. He had a few situations where the girls just got bored and left on their own, and he encouraged them to send their friends over. He assumed this was just one of those situations. He offered her a drink and headed into the kitchen.  From her boot, she pulled out her gun, shot him in the back of the head.  
                Who would have ever suspected she was a hired hit man? He had messed with a few too many women in this town, and a price was placed on his head.  She needed the money, for her own life was threatened if she could not pay off old debts. The men who were with her in the beginning were sent to explain the offer and make sure she completed the task. For $50,000 cash, what was one less scum on the streets?