Okay, so I may be a girl, but I feel like I hear many more opinions from my male friends than most girls do, so I will share with you the guy vs girls ideas on relationships. I expressed some of these earlier and the guy who was sitting with the bunch of girls I was sitting with was in total agreeance and I do not know him all that well.
Girls are usually looking for relationships. As soon as one ends they are looking for whose next, or still grieving over the one they had last. Girls seem to "hunt" for the perfect guy.
Guys aren't.
Girls are always going on and on about how this guy they like, and likes them won't go out with them because he "isn't looking for a relationship right now." Dear girls, no guy is ever looking for a relationship. Really. Guys fall into relationships by sheer chance and because they like you enough they don't want to lose you, or they fall into them because most girls won't have sex outside of a relationship. Guys don't hunt for the perfect date, if they are eagerly searching, it is more than likely just for sex.
Good relationships probably are those founded from sheer luck and enough like to not want to look any further. We fall in love not because we have been hunting for each other, but because we become attached to a person who over time we are afraid to live without, and never want to lose. A relationship is founded on the friendship first more so than the fact you were both single and were looking for a relationship.
I couldn't agree with you more on this. Why is it there are very few girls out there who have minds like a guy's when it comes to relationships? Seroiusly...girls today are worse then guys I think.