Saturday, December 15, 2012

Megan's law

We have a lot of safeguards in this country that are suppose to protect us; they are suppose to keep us safe. The problem is when they don't. What happens when someone gets ahold of these safe guards and transforms them into a way of ruining lives..? Literately.
New federal provisions have made it so ANY one charged with a sexual offense now has to register with Megan's law for a minimum of fifteen years. This includes those individuals who are considered non-violent. This also applies to new and old charges.
Previously Megan's law applied to only violent offenders; and registration lasted between 5 years and life. Now; there is more ways than ever to get accused and charged with sex crimes in this country. Everyone now has to register. There have been many cases recently of people getting charged with possession or intent to distribute pornography for example because of pictures on their phones or computers. Some of these people are 17-18 years old. Bad break ups seems to be a pretty common thing lately too. If you have been dating someone and you split up, seriously if they upset you enough and you call rape, it is your word against theirs. And sadly enough; a good sob story, a good lawyer and the guy will almost always lose. For some stupid reason we teach our children to tell if someone touches you. Most don't understand what the difference even is and they say one thing that gets blown out of proportion.
This new federal mandate; half of the states in the United States have said they are not complying with it. This is because those types of cases. By expanding Megan's law a state may go from having a few hundred offenders to having thousands of offenders. All of these people are lumped together. There is little or no distinction between the person with nude pictures on their phone and the one who was raping young kids.

I feel like we need to want better for our children. I'm a soon to be parent; who will never again look at the Megan's law registry, I feel as though we should give people chances to rebuild their lives after they have messed up. One text message, one bad breakup, or one time where there was too much of an age gap should not ruin your life. Unfortunately, we have made it so it will.

1 comment:

  1. Ppl suck...they fuck things up for all. i think we need to give. certain ppl the chance to rebuild...end of story. keep LO safe.
