The school voucher system is a great idea in theory, yet a terrible idea for public schools as well as students. The school voucher program was not very well thought out. First it is not available to all students. It is limited to only those who qualify; there is not an equal opportunity for all students. Second, the calculation of how much it costs to educate a student is highly inaccurate. If a school loses one student or twenty they can't really cut a teacher, or their heating bills. Third, private schools are not even required to take the standardized tests that the public schools in the state are judged solely upon. What proof is there that the private schools are going to provide any better of an education to the students? Next, private and parochial schools are selective. They can chose is they even want those students in their schools and can turn them away for any reason. Private education may provide students with a different educational experience, but different is not always better. Finally, many states have ruled that the school voucher system is against the state's constitution. The public education system in Pennsylvania may need a reform, but school vouchers aren't the right way to go.
As many of you know this is an ongoing project this is a "letter to the editor" I wrote for class and actually I just submitted it to the PA congress representatives via the PSEA website.
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