Tuesday, April 17, 2012

If I post it, I probably wrote it.

It makes my day to see other people smile.

One step forward, and four back; isn't that the story of us?

It has nothing to do with liking you or not, it has to do with, are you someone I can depend on in my life...? If not, there's no point.

I will not pretend to be someone I am not, I might bite my tongue when I disagree but I will always stand up for what I believe in.

I don't have to like the things you do, to support you. I don't have to agree with everything you say to listen. I don't have to believe in your dreams to help you accomplish them. I just have to love you and help you realize how amazing you truly are.

I am going to start wishing on airplanes in the night sky.

As another chapter closes for us; I am having a hard time distinguishing reality from happily ever after ♥!

People have a very animal-istic quality to them, they can be cute and cuddly, but when you piss them off they can tear you to pieces.

Energy drinks good for studying; bad for sleep!

Make sure that everything you do in life has a point, and make sure it is worth it.

A guy should treat you like a princess; even when you are being the evil queen.

1 comment:

  1. This amused me. I like reading just simple facts about life..but I really liked the last line when you said "A guy should treat you like a princess; even when you are being the evil queen." - that reminded me of something and I couldn't help but laugh :)
