Tuesday, November 19, 2013

It's been rough.

I tried breastfeeding my little man when he was born. He screamed, cried, fussed, and wanted to nurse constantly. My mom told me she didn't think he was getting enough to eat, eventually I gave in and started him on formula. He was on that formula until very recently. 
I was told when he was 6 months old he had acid reflux, they started him on medication for that. It didn't work so we started him on another. He's still on the Prevacid.

But here's the problem; the MSPI was never diagnosed until he was 9 months despite the million trips to the doctors. We drove two hours away for them to test his stool and announce that was probably most of his problem.
Why couldn't our useless pediatric office do this before now!?!?

How I want to ask them.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


My son has just turned nine months old a few days ago. (Yes I feel old!) Since my little man has entered this world we have been having major issues with "spitting up" as the doctors have been calling it. My son Willy, will eat a bottle, at say 8 am, he will usually keep it down for a good 20 minutes, sometimes not that long, he will then puke off and on until its time for the next bottle. 
This has happened since he was born. I complained about it and asked when he was three days old. At the time he was breastfeeding. When he was five days old I was truly unsure he was keeping anything down at all and went back again. This process has been ongoing since. 
We started medicine for acid reflux. It took two weeks for our insurance and our doctor to approve the prescription for us. So, first we started on Zantac. My son was up screaming and crying all night every night for the week and a half I left him on it. Finally, I got fed up and stopped giving it to him. 
About a month later we went back. Willy was broke out in a head to toe rash that covered his body in red bumps. The doctor said he had a summer virus. That he indeed did, complete with mouth sores, he gave it to his little girl friend and all. However, this rash didn't go away. So, we returned another month later. They said he had eczema and prescribed him zytrec. Our doctor then asked how the Zantac was working and I told her I stopped giving it to him, it wasn't helping and I couldn't take him screaming all night every night. 
So, I explained to her again that he throws up everything and at this point we were all used to it so we didn't even think about it, but I hadn't slept in ages. (And bahaha Willy is sleeping now and I'm writing to you!). She prescribed Prilosec. 
This prescription took another 2 weeks to be approved. 
She asked us to call after two weeks. We did, he went from throwing up 6-8 times between every feeding to 3-4. Much nicer, but still outrageous. She then switched his formula to Alimentum. He was on Alimentum for over a month. No one bothered to give me a letter for WIC so I have been paying for it out of pocket. Which was fine until we realized it isn't doing much either. It did cause him to throw up a bit less at a time, but he's still throwing up. 

Today, my 9 month old was finally diagnosed with a MSPI allergy. 
A simple test our doctor couldn't bother to do, we had to drive two hours to see a  specialist to find out he has blood in his stool. 

Cool. More on how we are going to approach this later. I need sleep! 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


This blog was created for my musings, I haven't posted in a while because of various things in life happening. I do a lot of complaining on here though. But here goes something... I'm not sure what I even want to say. 

Love. I don't think I believe in it, in one way. 
In another I know exactly what love is. My two foot tall, chunky little guy shows me every day. He sits beside me or on my lap and just looks at me. His lips are curled into a smile - and nothing in the world can break that gaze for a few minutes. He has me so wrapped around his finger it isn't funny either. He cries and I jump to fix whatever is suddenly wrong, like giving him back his paci, or helping him till over (both he can do himself). That's unconditional love. And there is absolutely no doubt about it!