Monday, December 12, 2011

When do you give up?

When is it time to give up?
You cannot have a relationship without communication. I don't mean "hey, how are you? love you, bye". I mean actual talking. You need to know what is going on physically and emotionally. Sometimes this just isn't the case. Sometimes there are a million reasons why this is difficult, but seriously you can make it through anything by communicating. It doesn't matter if you spend 10 hours a day on the phone (P.S. that isn't communicating that is just being obsessive,) or a minute, or if you don't even talk every day. There is letters, there is email, and above all, when you call or write or text, you need to actually talk, or express yourself.. and how you are feeling and doing, not useless menial things that do not matter.
Is it ever wrong to give up?
Is it wrong to give up on something when at the moment they need it the most? Is it right to push something for someone else's sake when it may or may not be what is the best for you? Sometimes is it essential? I might be the emotional intelligence individual in the grand schemes of things, but when do you give up? Usually I would tell people as soon as you start asking yourself that question. Given the situation I have no idea, we all have doubts at some point or another.
Is it ever right to stray?
Have you ever done something stupid because at the time you felt like you just needed or wanted to do it? Have you questioned if it was right forever afterwards? What is cheating? What is straying? Most guys seem to have the attitude "I can look, I just can't touch" yet I feel like that is not the attitude they want their girlfriends to have. So, when is it wrong? At what point is it too far? When is it alright? Is there ever a point where you don't give a shit because seriously everything is wrong? Does that make it okay?
What is better, the truth, or leaving it out?
Most of us pride ourselves on telling the truth. Every one of us has been guilty of "leaving it out" which is just a way to lie and make yourself feel good about it. We all do it, on a daily basis, we don't tell someone when someone says something mean about them; we roll our eyes when we disagree with someone. So when do you leave things out and when do you fess up? When it is weighing on your mind, or never? Is there ever an appropriate time to fess up? There is lots of times where it is not appropriate for sure. 

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