Saturday, October 22, 2011

A series of short posts I never finished.

What is the difference between someone you know and a friend? What makes someone a friend? What makes someone a good friend? At what point is someone more than a friend. We all have our opinions on these questions and honestly I think everyone has totally different ideas.

My best friends are the people I can call crying at 3am. Yeah, sure we have all heard that expression, but who really would wake up or stay up talking to you after you break up with your girlfriend? Who would take your side and support you no matter if all the evidence was stacked against you? Who would give up a friendship for you; a relationship? I have went insane amounts of time without talking to some Of my best friends, and although they were offended when I went to them crying that the guy who talked me into not talking to them dumped me they still listened to me and made me feel better. One friend even asked whose ass he was kicking.

We all mess up, we all make mistakes, and we all need friends. I have some of the greatest friends in the world who can be anywhere in the world and I still know they care.


They dated in high school, they never really got along, but they remained friends if you could call it that. When he graduated they kept in touch and when she did the following year they went their separate ways and stayed loosely in touch. She went off to college, he was working two jobs.

They had very little in common except a friendship that barely existed, they trusted each other with information and therefore felt comfortable talking but that was about it. She wasn't comfortable hanging out with him alone because he was pushy and controlling before.

She walked into the room. She was wearing a brown sundress, and a pair of flats. He stared at her with wide eyes, his lips forming a perfect smile as soon as he caught sight of her. She walked in his direction. He stood there still starry eyed and unable to move until she was a few steps away, he stepped forward and took her into his arms.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek; "Did you miss me?"
"Of course," he whispered in her ear, blowing in it as he did so. She giggled and rubbed her head on his shoulder.

In that moment, nothing else mattered. All the problems they had seemed to be in another world, the only thing that mattered was right in front of them, and they embraced one another. They then talked for hours and laughed and cuddled until it was too cold to remain in their spot where they liked to hang out. In the dark under the stars nothing mattered, they could talk about anything in the world without fear of anything.

They left holding hands and smiling, as they stepped back outside, all the problems of the "real world" seemed to dawn upon them. They had barriers they needed to cross, they each had their own pasts, and they each had their own dreams. However, they looked at one another, reached and grabbed one another's hands. It was going to take more than that to ruin this thing they seemed to have found called love.

I love listening to people complain how they haven't talked to their boyfriend all day, who cares? I love hearing people go on and on about how mad they are at someone, for something stupid. Who cares?
I guess the thing is that I have hit a point in my life, one in which I do not care to worry so much about those things in which I cannot change. I do not care to get mad at people for really dumb stuff. Or at least I try.

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