Wednesday, November 23, 2011

All things considered... things are about as perfect as they can be!

Sometimes what we dread is what we need to face the most.
Sometimes things happen that we cannot change.
Sometimes people come into our lives we do not expect to mean anything,
Sometimes we realize they are the ones we can't live without.

We always want to control everything in our lives,
It isn't all that simple sometimes,
Things happen, Mistakes are made,
Our pasts can't be unwritten.

Why do we try so hard?
Why does everything have to be "perfect?"
When we take it one day at a time,
One step at a time,
"As good as it gets"
Is perfection.

WE are perfect together, nothing else matters, and together we will get there because we help one another out along the way.

everyone always says how god is suppose to help them and god is suppose to save you but no, god has people who will and instead of going who can give me money or who can help me... you should think who you can help..

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